Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers' Day

For making sure I saw all the Marx Brothers movies; for introducing the concept of taxation while sorting through our Halloween candy; for giving me first crack at the New York Times crossword puzzle all those Sundays; for a bone dry sense of humor that can still stand to be silly; for not letting blindness, illness or infirmity get the best of you; for the gold spray painted coat hanger halo on my angel costume that one year; for all the bad puns (is that redundant?); for the custard-colored 1980 Chrysler LeBaron I drove to California and back; for "giving me away" twice, but never acting like you owned me in the first place; for being my biggest fan, thank you, Dad.  Happy Father's Day, and here's to many more.

1 comment:

  1. My own father is gone, if there was one thing I have learned from him , it is don't withhold approval from your children , mine did and it clouded his relationship with all of his children. He was a good hardworking faithful person, but he was critical of others.
