Saturday, May 19, 2007

"Spy Game"

Last night's movie, Spy Game, was pretty good. So good it didn't even really matter that a couple minutes into the film, I realized I'd seen it before, probably soon after it came out in '01. D'oh!

Robert Redford plays Nathan Muir, a CIA agent who on the day of his retirement learns that his protege, Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt), has been captured by the Chinese and is due to be executed in a few hours. Muir tells a specially convened task force (including, inevitably, a snide asshole, James Woods lookalike nemesis for Our Hero) the story of his recruitment and mentorship of Bishop. The task force wants to paint Bishop as some kind of kook and deny ties to him; Bishop has other plans, and strings the committee along while he puts them in motion. Let the spy games begin!

The movie is well-acted, and complicated enough to be interesting, but not overly taxing (not a lot of reversing a bit to figure out what the heck just happened). It's more plot-driven than effect-driven, which is good. Worth seeing, forgetting all about, then seeing again six years later. Sigh!

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