Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Free Association

Play the free association game at Unconscious Mutterings. Here's what she said and what I thought this week:
  1. Groceries :: shopping

  2. Deodorant :: needed

  3. Psychic :: fraud

  4. Cherries :: red

  5. Spooky :: ghost

  6. Yogurt :: pink

  7. Kitchen :: counter

  8. Nothing personal :: yeah right

  9. Be nice :: child

  10. Delivery :: box

UPS has done a great marketing job with the brown truck, brown uniform thing. The image is almost inextricable from the concept of "delivery." What I thought of was a box, but what I pictured was a box being taken off a brown truck. My girls have known since their earliest awareness that big brown trucks bring boxes. Of course they know that other trucks do too, but that brown truck is forever linked to the whole idea of "is it for me?"


  1. We both need deodorant - does that mean we're a couple of smelly bloggers?

    We had the same idea on "nothing personal" - total skepticism. When people say that it's usually quite personal, don't you think?

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Of course, deodorant is a compulson to me, I cant live without it.

  3. Of course, deodorant is a compulson to me, I cant live without it.

  4. The preceding two comments are advertisements. I got one on my blog also.
