Monday, December 31, 2007

Something this campaign will never do! Except this one time.

So Mike Huckabee had a press conference in Iowa today, in which he announced to a group of reporters that he is Taking the High Road. Yes sirree, he's going against the conventional wisdom that says if your opponent uses negative ads, you go negative on their ass, too. Such behavior is beneath the Huckabee campaign, I tell ya! Because Iowa voters deserve better!

In fact, he said, I'll show you exactly how low I will not stoop! Here is the negative ad that we are not going to stoop so low as to [pay to] put on television! And he proceeded to show the reporters the negative ad that he'd decided was beneath him to show.

So the ad gets exposure that costs him nothing --- because he's better than that. Riiiiight.

To their credit, the reporters laughed out loud.


  1. At least the reporters laughed. That's something, right!?

    Otherwise...yuck, yuck, yuck.


  2. At least the reporters laughed. That's something, right!?

    Otherwise...yuck, yuck, yuck.

